Would you like to be interviewed for my new E-Zine project?

First of all, this is not a real cover. I haven't even decided on the name of the Zine (though I do like Chronicles). I just threw something together for this post. It'll make sense in a moment.

To read about my E-Zine idea, click HERE.

I would like to include author interviews in each issue. No one turned in a recycled interview from their blog, so I thought, Why not do it myself?

Then I thought about magazine covers. There's usually a picture of someone on the cover. We could go with headshots and other types of close ups. (Not going to rule them out)

But wouldn't it be cool if the cover caught writers in action? Perhaps writing at their desk, tending their garden (while they plot the next chapter in their head), or attending a book signing.

I think it would make the entire project a little bit more personal, bringing attention to the writer, not just their writing. Because that's where true fans will ultimately come from. Sure, they like what you write, but they also like you. It's what social media and engagement are all about.

A Photo Isn't Required

I put a tweet out recently which explored the idea of a writer featured on the cover (along with an interview). Obviously, it got a lot of response. One of the first responders, though, mentioned they didn't want to be pictured. But there were several which were OK with the idea.

I think we have room for both. I want each issue to be rather lengthy, so I'll have room for multiple interviews. Especially when we get to issues centered around a certain genre. Interviewing multiple authors of a certain genre ... sounds good to me.

Just to make it clear: I probably won't feature an author on the cover if they aren't willing to be pictured. (Unless someone sends me a really creative shot)

How will this work?

In the past, I have conducted interviews via an online form, which placed the interviews neatly in a spreadsheet where I wouldn't lose them. These interviews were meant for blog posts, and I didn't want answers to be too long. So, it worked for me.

But I don't want to limit authors this time around, not with a digital publication where real estate is plentiful. I want a writer to feel free to explain and expound, writing as much as they want. If an answer is super long, I can always separate it from the interview and put it into the Zine as an article all by itself.

So, we are going to conduct the interviews via email. There's a chance an author's response is lost or never received, so you'll have to be patient with me.

Instead of customizing an interview for each author from the outset (a process which would take too much time I do not have), I'd rather tailor my follow-up questions and responses.

  1. A writer will email me, answering a list of questions.
  2. I will email back with a list of follow-up questions.
  3. We'll go back and forth a few times until I have enough material for the interview.

The list of initial questions will ultimately be supplied by the author, but as you can see if you keep reading, there are lots of sample questions to choose from in this post.

How will the Cover be chosen?

Right now I'm thinking of two criteria.

  1. The picture must be awesome
    (and perhaps directly related to the interview).
  2. The interview must not suck. #sarcasm

I will not ask for pictures in the email process, so if you'd like your picture to be considered for the cover, attach it to your initial email. I would like authors to be in their pictures, but I'm not going to rule out a different kind of picture without seeing it. In other words, creativity wins when it comes to submitted pictures.

And if a picture has a direct link to an answer in the interview, extra points.

What do I mean by an interview that sucks? Well, if an interview is really bad, I may not accept it for the Zine, or ask the writer to work on it in order to be approved.

But if the interview is sort of MEH—not bad but not spectacular—I don't mind putting it in the Zine, but it won't necessarily be a featured article. It'll be tucked away somewhere. I'll advertise it like everything else, but the articles that get a mention on the cover will be the stars of each issue.

One small clarification: just because I don't pick your photo and interview to feature on the cover doesn't mean your interview sucks. It just means I went a different direction.

Warning: Someone won't follow instructions

If you'd like to be considered for an interview, send me an email. But please read this next part very carefully.

I prefer to receive emails that include a Q and A.

If an author sends an email which says something to the effect of...

Hi, I'd like to be interviewed. What do I do?

I may either ignore the email or send a quick reply and tell them to read this post and try again. Depends on how irritated I am at the moment.

The reason is quite simple. I already don't have enough time to do everything that I need to do. I'm not going to hold an author's hand and walk them through the process. And I'm not coming up with the initial questions. Period.

However, if you have a question that isn't answered here (and it isn't just expressing interest), I'll be happy to answer it via email. Or you may contact me via Twitter: @MasqCrew.

How to Construct An Email

Here's my email: msl_007@live.com

And below are some sample questions you can pick from. You may also include questions not listed here. If you have an interesting story or some cool answer already, think of a question which would lead to it. (Does that make sense?)

If an author includes a question not included, I may add it to this post so other writers can use it.

You do not have to answer all the questions. That would be a very long interview indeed. Perhaps choose five or ten questions to answer. Perhaps one question will help you think of other questions you can ask (yourself).

Important: Please include the question in the email. Put a space between the question and the answer, like this:

What genre do you write?

I've written mostly fantasy in the past, but here lately I've been getting into Sci-Fi more. (And etc...)

Before the next question, please include some sort of marker to indicate the end of an answer, such as several dashes, like this:


Blah blah blah.

Blah blah blah.


Question #2

Blah blah blah.
(And etc...)

Also, please put a space in-between paragraphs. This will make my job SO MUCH EASIER.

And speaking of paragraphs, please don't write super long ones. A few sentences each is what I prefer. Whitespace lets the reader breathe.

You can write as many paragraphs as you want, though. Go into as much detail as you prefer. Short answers are good sometimes too, especially if I can come up with a follow-up question to simulate a real conversation.

With this in mind, you could start with a short answer, and I may insert an appropriate follow-up question in the middle of your answer. Sneaky, I know.

I will not offer editing services, so what you send is what gets published. So, take your time and write a good interview, using decent English. Doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be readable.

And remember: the quality of your writing or the lack thereof could affect whether or not I choose your photo and interview to feature on the cover.

Questions, questions, and more questions

Remember: The questions below are just a sample of what you could include in your interview, to give you ideas. So, if a question isn't listed, you can still include it in your interview. Or you can take a question from below and alter it to fit your interview theme.

If I'd like you to explain something more, I may ask a follow-up question.

Here's my email: msl_007@live.com

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Tell us about your family.
  • Tell us about your hometown.
  • Tell us about your high school experience.
  • Tell us about your childhood.
  • Tell us about your kids.
  • What does your writing process look like?
  • Do you have any strange writing habits?
  • What book do you wish you could have written?
  • If you could cast your character in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play the key roles?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
  • What authors have inspired you to write?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?
  • Have you always liked to write?
  • What's your favorite quote?
  • What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
  • Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? Why?
  • Are you a plotter or pantser? Or somewhere in between?
  • What is your best marketing tip?
  • Do you have any advice on how to deal with bad reviews?
  • What is your least favorite part of the publishing and/or writing process?
  • What is your most favorite part of the writing process?
  • What's your greatest pet peeve?
  • What's your favorite food?
  • What do you like that most people don't?
  • What's your favorite color?
  • What's your favorite [insert any item you'd like]?
  • Cat or dog or something else?
  • MacGyver or Sherlock Holmes?
  • [Any two items/people/situations as in the above questions]?
  • The zombie apocalypse is coming soon. What do you do?
  • Have you ever farted in public and blamed it on someone else nearby?
  • How do you inject romance into your life?
  • If animals and humans could mate (physically and legally), which animal would you pick and why?
  • If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  • If you were invisible, what is the first thing you'd do?
  • What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
  • A day at the beach with a book or an hour at a bookstore?
  • How do you like your coffee?
  • What's your ideal evening?
  • What do you like to do when the sun goes down?
  • What's your ideal vacation/holiday?
  • If you weren't a writer, what would be your ideal career?
  • If money wasn't an issue, what expensive item would you love to own?
  • What book are you reading right now?
  • Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
  • What do you want your tombstone to say?
  • Do you have any scars? What are they from?
  • What were you like as a child?
  • What was your favorite toy as a kid?